If you have a lawn irrigation system and you have to maintain it, sooner or later you are going to have to know how to repair a broken pvc sprinkler pipe. Do you have wet, soggy spots in your lawn or have you noticed fungi growing in spots? Perhaps your walkway is always wet or… Read More
sprinkler repair
Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation Startup
An important step in caring for your yard comes at this time of year, particularly if you had your sprinkler system winterized back in late fall. The mistake that can be made is improperly performing a Lawn Sprinkler Irrigation Startup, particularly where a water pump drawing from Lake Murray is concerned. When starting your Goulds… Read More
Tune-Ups on Your Lawn Sprinkler System
As with any other system, it is important to perform routine tune-ups on your lawn sprinkler system. The system will continue to conserve water and money if it’s working properly. There are several specific problems to look for during a tune-up, as well as adjustments that may need to be made the the sprinkler… Read More