As with any other system, it is important to perform routine tune-ups on your lawn sprinkler system. The system will continue to conserve water and money if it’s working properly. There are several specific problems to look for during a tune-up, as well as adjustments that may need to be made the the sprinkler system components.
Look for spray or rotor heads that are too low because grass height could cause an improper spray pattern. Broken heads might need to be addressed by a sprinkler head repair service. Check for spray or rotor heads that are out of adjustment so that the water isn’t being sprayed into unwanted areas. Check zone valves for leakage. You will know they are leaking if you see water puddles forming around the lower spray or rotor heads. Also make sure those zone valves shut on and off properly. As valves age, this can become a problem. Another problem that should be addressed is a dysfunctional controller or timer.
Inspect each zone by turning on the zone valves one at a time. Remove and clean the nozzles on spray heads, and clean the screens while you’re at it. Adjust the sprinklers so that only the areas needing watering are being watered. You may also need to adjust the direction of the spray. Check your system’s battery once per year, and replace the battery every two years. If you don’t already have one, install a rain sensor to prevent any over-watering.
If you are comfortable with the process, you can perform a lawn sprinkler system tune-up yourself. If not, you can always hire a professional sprinkler or lawn care company to do it for you. A professional can make all the needed adjustments, and repair or replace sprinkler heads and valves. They can even update the time clock if your existing timer is out-dated or not as easy to use.
Keep your lawn and garden looking beautiful by doing or getting tune-ups on your lawn sprinkler system. It will keep the system running smoothly, and you can avoid costly repairs due to issues that arise from not giving attention to small problems or to needed adjustments.