It’s that time of year again! The weather is getting colder and you’re pulling out your sweaters. That means it’s time to winterize your sprinklers. Lexington sprinkler repair can winterize your irrigation system, preparing it for the cold freezing weather if it is deemed necessary. Winterizing can be an important step in maintaining your system because it prevents damage… Read More
How to repair broken PVC irrigation pipe
Wow, cold in Lexington S.C. today huh? If you have a lawn sprinkler irrigation system, Lexington S.C. you might want to have a look at the water main pipes, spigots and valves after this freeze thaws. You very well may have a broken PVC irrigation water pipe that needs to be repaired. PVC pipes crack… Read More
sprinkler valve locating service, Lexington and Columbia S.C.
If your lawn sprinkler system is malfunctioning and you need to repair the Rain Bird, Hunter, Nelson or Toro Valves, you may have a need to find the valve and call on a sprinkler valve locating service. Sometimes irrigation valves are buried under overgrown grass sod, under mulch, or just about anywhere in the yard. … Read More